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Daily Surface Weather Data (Daymet) at Illinois Bondville


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BandDescriptionData BandsSummary Data
daylDay length (s/day) csv jsoncsv json
prcpPrecipitation (mm/day) csv jsoncsv json
sradShortwave radiation (W/m^2) csv jsoncsv json
sweSnow water equivalent (kg/m^2) csv jsoncsv json
tmaxMaximum air temperature (degrees C) csv jsoncsv json
tminMinimum air temperature (degrees C) csv jsoncsv json
vpWater vapor pressure (Pa) csv jsoncsv json
All Bandscsv jsoncsv json

See File Formats documentation for details. Pixel Numbering Scheme

ProductDaily Surface Weather Data (Daymet)
CoordinatesLatitude: 40.0062, Longitude: -88.2904 (WGS84 datum)
Areal ExtentApproximately 9 km [9 Pixels] Wide x 9 km [9 Pixels] High
Subset Date Range1980-01-01 to 2023-12-31
Site IDus_illinois_bondville

Cite the Fixed Sites Subsets Tool [1] and the subset product [2] with the following citations. You may also download BibTeX citation

[1] ORNL DAAC. 2018. Fixed Sites Subsetting and Visualization Tool. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA. Accessed March 31, 2025. Subset obtained for Daymet product at site id 'us_illinois_bondville'.

[2] Thornton, M.M., R. Shrestha, Y. Wei, P.E. Thornton, and B.E. Wilson. 2022. Daymet: Daily Surface Weather Data on a 1-km Grid for North America, Version 4 R1. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA.

Location Details

Latitude [40.0062] Longitude [-88.2904]

Subset area boundary
Corner Coordinates
Northwest Corner Latitude,Longitude: 40.0521308972 N, 88.3319148061 WNortheast Corner Latitude,Longitude: 40.0415689006 N, 88.2347197179 W
Southwest Corner Latitude,Longitude: 39.9774273619 N, 88.3455862715 WSoutheast Corner Latitude,Longitude: 39.966878308 N, 88.2485020479 W

Timeseries View

Daymet / dayl (All acceptable pixels)

Toggle Time Series Visualization
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Includes all pixels that have acceptable quality

Daymet / prcp (All acceptable pixels)

Toggle Time Series Visualization
Data are being created, check progress bar and log
Includes all pixels that have acceptable quality

Daymet / srad (All acceptable pixels)

Toggle Time Series Visualization
Data are being created, check progress bar and log
Includes all pixels that have acceptable quality

Daymet / swe (All acceptable pixels)

Toggle Time Series Visualization
Data are being created, check progress bar and log
Includes all pixels that have acceptable quality

Daymet / tmax (All acceptable pixels)

Toggle Time Series Visualization
Data are being created, check progress bar and log
Includes all pixels that have acceptable quality

Daymet / tmin (All acceptable pixels)

Toggle Time Series Visualization
Data are being created, check progress bar and log
Includes all pixels that have acceptable quality

Daymet / vp (All acceptable pixels)

Toggle Time Series Visualization
Data are being created, check progress bar and log
Includes all pixels that have acceptable quality

Gridded View


Create statistics plots in R
Visualize the data from the 'Downloads' section above as informative plots in R. Using the provided scripts, different statistical plots can be easily generated, such as plots of mean monthly values or mean yearly values, frequency histograms, time series plots with years stacked, etc.