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MODIS/Terra+Aqua Leaf Area Index/FPAR (LAI/FPAR) at Colorado NEON CPER


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BandDescriptionData BandsQuality Filtered and ScaledSummary Data
Fpar_500mFraction of photosynthetically active radiation csv json csv jsoncsv json
Lai_500mLeaf area index csv json csv jsoncsv json
FparExtra_QCExtra detail Quality for LAI and FPAR csv json
FparLai_QCQuality for LAI and FPAR csv json
FparStdDev_500mStandard deviation of FPAR csv json
LaiStdDev_500mStandard deviation for LAI csv json
All Bandscsv jsoncsv jsoncsv json

See File Formats documentation for details. Pixel Numbering Scheme

ProductMODIS/Terra+Aqua Leaf Area Index/FPAR (LAI/FPAR)
CoordinatesLatitude: 40.81553, Longitude: -104.7456 (WGS84 datum)
Areal ExtentApproximately 8.5 km [17 Pixels] Wide x 8.5 km [17 Pixels] High
Subset Date Range2002-07-04 (2002185) to 2024-06-25 (2024177)
Site IDus_colorado_neon_cper2
Quality Control ConditionsAs Specified by Science Team (See QC Details tab)

Cite the Fixed Sites Subsets Tool [1] and the subset product [2] with the following citations. You may also download BibTeX citation

[1] ORNL DAAC. 2018. Fixed Sites Subsetting and Visualization Tool. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA. Accessed July 26, 2024. Subset obtained for MCD15A2H product at site id 'us_colorado_neon_cper2'.

[2] R. Myneni, Y. Knyazikhin, T. Park. 2021. MCD15A2H MODIS/Terra+Aqua Leaf Area Index/FPAR 8-day L4 Global 500m SIN Grid V061. NASA EOSDIS Land Processes DAAC.

Location Details

Latitude [40.81553] Longitude [-104.7456]: Horizontal Tile [10] Vertical Tile [04] Sample [87] Line [1102]

Subset area boundarySubset area boundary
Corner Coordinates
Northwest Corner Latitude,Longitude: 40.850917 N, 104.848325 WNortheast Corner Latitude,Longitude: 40.850917 N, 104.754682 W
Southwest Corner Latitude,Longitude: 40.780083 N, 104.736437 WSoutheast Corner Latitude,Longitude: 40.780083 N, 104.642894 W
  • QC Filter Conditions
  • QC explanation for MODIS/Terra+Aqua Leaf Area Index/FPAR (LAI/FPAR_QC)
  • QC bit word numbering (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,....n):(n=7 or 15 or 31)
Filter ClassBitsBinaryQA-bitsValue
QC bandDescriptionDisplay
SCF_QC8yes0-20000allFparLai_QCMain (RT) algorithm used, best result possible (no saturation)Presented
SCF_QC8yes0-200132allFparLai_QCMain (RT) algorithm used, saturation occured. Good, very usable.Presented
SCF_QC8yes0-201064allFparLai_QCMain algorithm failed due to bad geometry, empirical algorithm usedSupressed
SCF_QC8yes0-201196allFparLai_QCMain algorithm failed due to problems other than geometry, empirical algorithm usedSupressed
SCF_QC8yes0-2100128allFparLai_QCPixel not produced at all, value coudn't be retrieved (possible reasons: bad L1B data, unusable MODAGAGG data)Supressed

Timeseries View

MCD15A2H / Lai_500m (All acceptable pixels)

Toggle Time Series Visualization
Data are being created, check progress bar and log
Includes all pixels that have acceptable quality

MCD15A2H / Fpar_500m (All acceptable pixels)

Toggle Time Series Visualization
Data are being created, check progress bar and log
Includes all pixels that have acceptable quality

Gridded View

Additional Information

MODIS Landcover IGBP Classification Scheme (Type_1 MCD12Q1)


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BandDescriptionData Bands
LC_Type1Land Cover Type 1: Annual International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP) classification csv json

Shannon Diversity Components: Richness= Evenness=

User Guide for the MODIS Land Cover Type Product (MCD12Q1)PDF

MODIS Phenology time series (MCD12Q2)

Phenology region for user selected area 8.5 km wide x 8.5 km high

Cycle 1

Cycle 2
  • Greenup: Average date of the greenup (date when EVI2 first crossed 15% of amplitude) in the subset area
  • MidGreenup: Average date of the mid greenup (date when EVI2 first crossed 50% of amplitude) in the subset area
  • Maturity: Average date of the maturity (date when EVI2 first crossed 90% of amplitude) in the subset area
  • Peak: Average date of the peak (date when EVI2 reached maximum amplitude) in the subset area
  • Senescence: Average date of the senescence (date when EVI2 last crossed 90% of amplitude) in the subset area
  • MidGreendown: Average date of the mid greendown (date when EVI2 last crossed 50% of amplitude) in the subset area
  • Dormancy: Average date of the dormancy (date when EVI2 last crossed 15% of amplitude) in the subset area


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ProductData Bands
MCD12Q2.061 csv json

User Guide for the MODIS Land Cover Dynamics Product (MCD12Q2)PDF


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