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Web Service

The web service provides users with subsets of terrestrial ecology data products through standards based REST (Representational State Transfer) web service API. Through the API users can execute simple HTTP GET methods to retrieve the subsets. Currently users can choose to receive the response content in csv or json formats. A list of functions available to users are provided in the table below. The web service is built on ORNL DAAC's TESViS Global subsetting and visualization tool that provides customized subsets and visualization of the data products for any land location on the globe.

Using the Web Service users can

  • Retrieve subsets through command line operation such as curl
  • Get subsets directly into software such as R, Python and integrate the subsets into client side workflow
  • Write custom code to use the subsets for visualization or data reformatting
  • ... and much more

The URIs for the REST API have the following syntax:{version}/{resourcepath}. The current version is v1. The Open API documentation page for the web service can be accessed from

Tool Citation: ORNL DAAC. 2018. Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) RESTful Web Service. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA.

Citation Policy

Global Subset Web Service Resource URIs

Global Subset API User Interface

Resource Path Input Parameters Description
/products NONE This returns the list of products available. Product shortname is used.
/{product}/bands product This returns the list of bands available for a product.
/{product}/dates latitude, longitude, product This returns the list of composite dates available for the product, Latitude, Longitude combination.
/{product}/subset latitude, longitude, product, startDate, endDate, kmAboveBelow, kmLeftRight This returns the subset for the location, product, band and date combination. There is a limit of a maximum ten modis dates per request.
/{product}/subsetOrder latitude, longitude, product, email, uid, startDate, endDate, kmAboveBelow, kmLeftRight This returns an Order ID for the subset order. The subset will be sent to the provided email address once processed, and will be available at{OrderID}. There is no limit on number of dates a user can request.

Fixed Sites Web Service Resource URIs

Fixed Sites API User Interface

Resource Path Input Parameters Description
URIs for pre-processed Fixed Sites
/sites NONE This returns the list of fixed sites available.
/{product}/{siteid}/dates product, siteid This returns the list of composite dates available for the product and the site.
/{product}/{siteid}/subset product, siteid, startDate, endDate This returns the subset for the site, product, band and date combination. There is no limit on number of dates a user can request.
/{product}/{siteid}/subsetFiltered product, siteid, startDate, endDate This returns the quality filtered subset for the site, product, band and date combination. There is no limit on number of dates a user can request.
/{product}/{siteid}/subsetStatistics product, siteid, startDate, endDate This returns statistics of the subset for the site, product, band and date combination. There is no limit on number of dates a user can request.
Additional URIs for accessing the Fixed Sites using the Network IDs
/networks NONE This returns the list of available networks for access using network_siteid.
/{network}/sites network This returns the list of available sites for the network.
/{product}/{network}/{network_siteid}/dates product, network, network_siteid This returns the list of composite dates available for the product and the site.
/{product}/{network}/{network_siteid}/subset product, network, network_siteid, startDate, endDate This returns the subset for the site, product, band and date combination. There is no limit on number of dates a user can request.
/{product}/{network}/{network_siteid}/ subsetFiltered product, network, network_siteid, startDate, endDate This returns the quality filtered subset for the site, product, band and date combination. There is no limit on number of dates a user can request.
/{product}/{network}/{network_siteid}/ subsetStatistics product, network, network_siteid, startDate, endDate This returns statistics of the subset for the site, product, band and date combination. There is no limit on number of dates a user can request.

Description of Input Parameters

Input Parameters Description
product Product Shortname. Users can retrieve available product names by requesting /products
siteid Unique siteid for the fixed sites. Users can retrieve available siteid by requesting /sites
network Network name available for access using network_siteid Users can retrieve available network by requesting /networks
network_siteid Unique ID for the network. Users can retrieve available network_siteid for the network by requesting /{network}/sites
band Name of data layer. Users can retrieve available band names for a product by requesting /{product}/bands
latitude Latitude in decimal degrees in geographic Lat/Long WGS 84 coordinate system.
longitude Longitude in decimal degrees in geographic Lat/Long WGS 84 coordinate system.
startDate Composite Date (AYYYYDDD) Start of the Subset period. Users can retrieve available dates for a product by requesting /{product}/dates
endDate Composite Date (AYYYYDDD) End of the Subset period. Users can retrieve available dates for a product by requesting /{product}/dates
kmAboveBelow Size in km of the subset above and below the center location. The value must be less than or equal to 100.
kmLeftRight Size in km of the subset left and right of the center location. The value must be less than or equal to 100.
email Email address to which this order will be sent
uid Unique tag for the order. Users can assigned their own uid tag.


The following tutorials demonstrate how to request dates and subsets, build a time series of a MODIS Land Product, and perform quality control filtering using the REST API.

The following tutorials demonstrate how to submit a batch of orders to the TESViS Global Subset Tool using the REST API.

Community Contributed Clients

  • MODISTools R Package (contributed by Dr. Koen Hufkens): Programmatic interface to the web services. Allows for easy downloads of the time series directly to your R workspace or your computer.

Example GET Requests

The following examples shows how to retrieve data with the web service in multiple programming languages. The examples show how to retrieve data (/api/v1/{product}/subset) for a product 'MOD13Q1' for 2018-02-18 (modis date: A2018049) at a location (latitude 35.958767, longitude -84.287433 degrees) for a 1 x 1 km subset area. Users can adopt the codes to suit their own needs. The examples show the responses in json and csv format.

#JSON format
curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' ''

#CSV format
curl -X GET --header 'Accept: text/csv' ''
import requests
header = {'Accept': 'application/json'}

# Use following for a csv response:
# header = {'Accept': 'text/csv'}

response = requests.get(
    '', headers=header)
r <- GET("", add_headers(Accept = "json"))

# Use following for a csv response:
# r <- GET("", add_headers(Accept = "text/csv"))

Response in CSV:
Response in JSON:
  "band": "all",
  "cellsize": "231.656358264",
  "header": "",
  "latitude": 35.958767,
  "longitude": -84.287433,
  "ncols": 9,
  "nrows": 9,
      "band": "250m_16_days_blue_reflectance",
      "data": [219,275,253,389,389,349,349,476,476,334,424,424,389,389,407,407,339,339,334,424,424,389,360,407,437,318,318,424,424,424,369,408,288,288,299,299,220,401,401,369,408,288,288,299,299,220,291,259,288,288,341,341,278,259,291,259,259,288,355,341,341,259,259,368,294,294,259,259,259,259,236,236,429,294,294,259,236,231,259,236,236],
      "modis_date": "A2018049",
      "proc_date": "2018066165607",
      "title": "h11v05",
      "version": "006"
      "band": "250m_16_days_MIR_reflectance",
      "data": [1155,1466,1031,1498,1498,1305,1305,1704,1704,1697,1498,1498,1498,1498,1492,1492,1245,1245,1697,1498,1498,1498,1521,1492,1175,1147,1147,1498,1498,1498,1010,1415,1303,1303,1233,1233,916,1379,1379,1010,1415,1303,1303,1233,1233,916,1409,1028,1323,1323,1645,1645,1223,1180,1409,1028,1028,1323,1523,1645,1645,1180,1180,1103,1359,1359,1016,1016,1180,1180,819,819,1549,1359,1359,1016,1205,920,1180,819,819],
      "modis_date": "A2018049",
      "proc_date": "2018066165607",
      "title": "h11v05",
      "version": "006"
      "band": "250m_16_days_NIR_reflectance",
      "data": [1437,1723,1343,1535,2093,2386,2000,2015,1655,1518,1964,1964,2306,2696,2072,1553,1655,1655,2191,2191,2398,2356,1483,1553,1362,1302,1530,1852,1852,1721,1274,1413,1215,1426,1688,1672,1282,1067,1232,1579,1873,1528,1354,1443,1589,1285,1385,1579,1562,1614,1745,1689,1626,1932,1813,1521,1545,1644,1879,1745,1794,1985,1770,1495,1851,1882,1627,1640,2025,1766,1749,1179,1863,2037,1882,1526,1771,1677,1629,1413,1143],
      "modis_date": "A2018049",
      "proc_date": "2018066165607",
      "title": "h11v05",
      "version": "006"
      "band": "250m_16_days_pixel_reliability",
      "data": [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
      "modis_date": "A2018049",
      "proc_date": "2018066165607",
      "title": "h11v05",
      "version": "006"
      "band": "250m_16_days_red_reflectance",
      "data": [534,646,493,570,768,777,777,817,593,560,617,617,779,850,696,549,593,593,723,723,938,1009,623,549,497,488,596,663,663,614,535,536,455,558,664,633,413,351,456,594,723,608,523,574,603,442,484,594,608,618,687,674,608,694,700,546,588,627,687,687,678,637,465,500,575,625,547,478,601,526,457,397,614,556,625,433,491,519,421,410,453],
      "modis_date": "A2018049",
      "proc_date": "2018066165607",
      "title": "h11v05",
      "version": "006"
      "band": "250m_16_days_relative_azimuth_angle",
      "data":  [-5056,-5170,-5048,-5170,-5170,-5170,-5170,-5170,-5170,-5201,-5203,-5203,-5170,-5170,-5170,-5170,-5171,-5171,-5201,-5203,-5203,-5170,-5048,-5170,-5040,-5040,-5040,-5203,-5203,-5203,-5040,-5203,-5040,-5040,-5032,-5032,-5173,-5048,-5048,-5040,-5203,-5040,-5040,-5032,-5032,-5173,-5203,-5168,-5168,-5168,-5203,-5203,-5164,-5203,-5203,-5168,-5168,-5168,-5203,-5203,-5203,-5203,-5203,-5168,-5235,-5235,-5164,-5164,-5203,-5203,-5203,-5203,-5234,-5235,-5235,-5164,-5235,-5164,-5203,-5203,-5203],
      "modis_date": "A2018049",
      "proc_date": "2018066165607",
      "title": "h11v05",
      "version": "006"
      "band": "250m_16_days_sun_zenith_angle",
      "data": [5120,4861,5120,4860,4860,4860,4860,4860,4860,4860,4860,4860,4860,4860,4860,4860,4860,4860,4860,4860,4860,4860,5120,4860,5119,5119,5119,4860,4860,4860,5119,4860,5119,5119,5119,5119,5119,5120,5120,5119,4860,5119,5119,5119,5119,5119,4860,5118,5118,5118,4859,4859,5118,4859,4860,5118,5118,5118,4859,4859,4859,4859,4859,5118,4858,4858,5118,5118,4859,4859,4859,4859,4859,4858,4858,5118,4858,5118,4859,4859,4859],
      "modis_date": "A2018049",
      "proc_date": "2018066165607",
      "title": "h11v05",
      "version": "006"
      "band": "250m_16_days_view_zenith_angle",
      "data": [419,1613,410,1604,1604,1604,1604,1604,1604,1613,1604,1604,1604,1604,1604,1604,1595,1595,1613,1604,1604,1604,410,1604,401,401,401,1604,1604,1604,401,1604,401,401,392,392,410,410,410,401,1604,401,401,392,392,410,1604,401,401,401,1595,1595,392,1586,1604,401,401,401,1595,1595,1595,1586,1586,401,1595,1595,392,392,1586,1586,1586,1586,1604,1595,1595,392,1595,392,1586,1586,1586],
      "modis_date": "A2018049",
      "proc_date": "2018066165607",
      "title": "h11v05",
      "version": "006"
      "band": "250m_16_days_VI_Quality",
      "data": [2116,2116,2116,2116,2116,2116,2116,2116,2116,2116,2116,2116,2116,2116,2116,2116,2116,2116,2116,2116,2116,2116,2116,2116,2116,2116,2116,2116,2116,2116,2116,2116,2116,2116,4164,4164,2116,2116,2116,2116,2116,2116,2116,4164,4164,2116,2116,2116,2116,2116,2116,2116,4164,4164,2116,2116,2116,2116,2116,2116,2116,4164,4164,2116,4164,4164,4164,4164,4164,4164,4164,4164,2116,4164,4164,4164,4164,4164,4164,4164,4164],
      "modis_date": "A2018049",
      "proc_date": "2018066165607",
      "title": "h11v05",
      "version": "006"
      "band": "250m_16_days_NDVI",
      "data": [4581,4546,4629,4584,4631,5086,4404,4230,4724,4610,5218,5218,4949,5205,4971,4776,4724,4724,5037,5037,4376,4002,4083,4776,4653,4547,4393,4727,4727,4740,4085,4499,4550,4375,4353,4507,5126,5049,4597,4532,4429,4307,4427,4308,4498,4881,4820,4532,4396,4462,4350,4295,4556,4714,4428,4716,4486,4478,4645,4350,4514,5141,5838,4987,5259,5013,4967,5486,5422,5410,5856,4961,5042,5711,5013,5579,5658,5273,5892,5501,4323],
      "modis_date": "A2018049",
      "proc_date": "2018066165607",
      "title": "h11v05",
      "version": "006"
      "band": "250m_16_days_EVI",
      "data": [1736,1989,1713,2004,2403,2787,2177,2243,2280,1935,2697,2697,2714,3101,2607,2128,2095,2095,2616,2749,2458,2173,1717,2128,1954,1718,1835,2349,2349,2263,1576,1895,1612,1720,1906,1963,1793,1760,1770,1989,2186,1767,1684,1718,1901,1715,1860,1865,1827,1891,1987,1925,1929,2186,2011,1896,1822,1919,2234,1987,2097,2430,2585,2119,2435,2340,2082,2311,2600,2388,2539,1658,2532,2811,2340,2243,2471,2217,2472,2071,1426],
      "modis_date": "A2018049",
      "proc_date": "2018066165607",
      "title": "h11v05",
      "version": "006"
      "band": "250m_16_days_composite_day_of_the_year",
      "data": [49,58,49,58,58,58,58,58,58,58,58,58,58,58,58,58,58,58,58,58,58,58,49,58,49,49,49,58,58,58,49,58,49,49,49,49,49,49,49,49,58,49,49,49,49,49,58,49,49,49,58,58,49,58,58,49,49,49,58,58,58,58,58,49,58,58,49,49,58,58,58,58,58,58,58,49,58,49,58,58,58],
      "modis_date": "A2018049",
      "proc_date": "2018066165607",
      "title": "h11v05",
      "version": "006"
  "xllcorner": "-7587440.68",
  "yllcorner": "3997462.12"